Watch Live Streaming of Deccan Chargers vs Mumbai Indians IPL-2010 Cricket match from here live video on your PC at 20:00 local time 14:30 GMT/UTC/UK 28th March 2010 at Mumbai. Watch this exclusive match with full of enjoyment and enjoy full of excitement with boundaries, over boundaries etc. Keep watching up to the last moment.
Worlds most talented cricketer Sachin Tendulkar playing in Mumbai Indians team and really displayed his talent in every match as well as won the IPL matches. who achieved the title "Little Master" in Cricket field.
Match Summary:
Deccan Chargers vs Mumbai Indians
20:00 local time 14:30 GMT/UTC/UK 28th March 2010
Indian Premier League
Umpires S Das and K Hariharan
TV umpire DJ Harper
Match referee GR Viswanath
Reserve umpire SN Bandekar
TV umpire DJ Harper
Match referee GR Viswanath
Reserve umpire SN Bandekar